Saturday, September 29, 2007

Fighting the Landlord Over Mold

No matter where you live in the United States, one important thing to realize when you’re renting a home or an apartment is that there are some things you are not liable for and the landlord is. Some landlords will try to tell you that a certain thing is not their responsibility or that it was not in the lease, but the fact is that the landlord has a responsibility to make sure that the home or building that you are renting is a safe and healthy environment.

If you discover mold growing in your rental, your first order of business is to have a mold test done either by yourself or preferably by a professional. You have to first prove to the landlord that a problem exists in the rental before you can make him or her do anything about it. Once you have the burden of proving there is mold off your shoulders, then you can worry about what you’re going to do if the landlord chooses to do nothing about it. Mold inspections and tests are not generally covered by most leases and so you have to pay for them.

You must decide whether to continue living in the unit until your landlord takes the necessary steps to have the mold removed or to leave and try to make your landlord pay the cost of relocating you. Depending on the size of the mold infestation, it might be more feasible to stay in the unit. If it’s a large infestation, staying shouldn’t be considered. Sometimes mold can be gotten rid of by you if you’re unwilling to bother with your landlord and go through the trouble of making him or her do anything about it, but whether you do it yourself or have your landlord take care of the problem for you, the mold must be removed somehow if you are to continue living there safely.

When you notify your landlord that a mold problem exists, do this by certified mail so that you have legal proof that you communicated this to him. Send along the proof in the form of a paper signed by a certified mold inspector and what the mold test concluded. If this notice is received and you receive no communication from your landlord, sending a second notice saying that you are not going to pay your rent until he does something about it is the next level. If this is still ignored, notify your landlord a third time by certified mail and inform him that you are moving out and that you will be getting a lawyer. You can sue your landlord for the cost of relocating due to the mold and he is also probably liable for any medical expenses you have incurred due to the infestation.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Florida water damage restoration companies and
Miami Water Damage Restoration. contractors

Consumer Electronics and Water Damage

One thing that most people who own a cell phone or a laptop are very concerned and careful of is spilling water or another liquid onto it. It happens quite often and can easily put you out $100 and up, depending on what the liquid ruins. Maybe you like to drink a cup of coffee while you’re working and you reach over for a pen and it topples onto your keyboard or maybe you’ve dropped your cell phone into the toilet or the bath tub. No matter how the liquid came into contact with your electronic device, most of the time you assume that it’s completely dead and there’s nothing that you can do about it. Sometimes this really isn’t the case.

Even if you completely submerse a CD player or other electronic device in water, if it’s not powered on at the time, it can usually be saved if you allow it to dry out completely before trying to turn it on and use it. One thing to worry about, though, is how long the object is allowed to stay in the water. Depending on what the inside is made out of, it may or may not absorb water and expand the longer it stays submerged. Wait at least a few days before trying to power on the device again and allow it to dry out naturally.

If you have a device that is powered on when it comes into contact with a liquid substance of any kind, unplug the device from the wall or from your car’s cigarette lighter or whatever power source it happens to be using at that moment. Remove any batteries that could accidentally be instructed to supply power to the device by pressing a button.

If you have an item that has been water damaged by more than just spilling a cup of liquid on it or just dropping it in the toilet, it’s best to consult a professional. For example, a computer that has been submerged in flood waters for a period of time isn’t that likely to be recovered, but with the right care and proper conditions, it can be done. It all depends on the circumstances of your situation, but whatever you do, don’t try to power on the device or use it in any way before it’s dry, no matter what size or kind of device it may be.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Miami Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors and
Orlando water Damage companies.

Cleaning Moldy Clothes

Our first instinct when we come into contact with clothing that has been contaminated by mold is to throw it away. Depending on the lifestyle you’re currently living, as in whether you work a full time job or have children or other matters to tend to, it might indeed be more beneficial to your situation to just throw them away. But, if you have a little more time on your hands and a little patience, you can keep the clothing that was covered in mold as long as you’re careful to completely decontaminate it.

Most items can be cleaned and the mold gotten rid of, but one thing that mold tends to do is cause stains. If you’re dealing with white clothing, you can possibly use bleach to remove them, but the longer you let the clothes sit without treating them, the more difficult it will be to remove the stain in the long run. A brush can be used to remove the mold and putting a pre-wash spray onto it and soaking it in water and laundry soap can be a good way to begin the process of removing the stain. Let it soak in the water around 45 minutes and then wash it in the washing machine. The best thing that you can do after they’re done washing is to let them dry outside naturally on a clothes line in the sun instead of using the clothes dryer in the laundry room. Using this artificial heat source can hinder your effort to remove the stain, but putting white clothes outside in the sun can actually help whiten them.

If you have something made of real leather and mold grows on it, the easiest thing to do is throw it away. Leather items can usually not be restored back to their former condition after becoming contaminated with mold.

If you need to clean mold off of furniture or anything else made of cloth, using the brush method mentioned a minute ago is the best way to go about doing this. Using a vacuum cleaner that has a hose and brush attachment piece can help in making sure that the mold spores get sucked up into the vacuum instead of into your air conditioning system. Clean the item where the mold was with a clean white rag and laundry or dish liquid, as long as you’re sure that the cleaner won’t stain the fabric.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
mold removal in Atlanta Georgia and
Water Damage Restoration companies.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Some Facts About Cladosporium Mold

While there are a lot of different genuses of mold, Cladosporium is one of the most frequently present molds in the global community. Around 40 species exist in the soil or living upon dead organic matter and there are studies that claim that the mold lives outdoors throughout the entire year, although the presence of this mold is lowered during the wintertime.

During the summer time, the spore levels of this mold can reach between two and fifty thousand particles per cubic meter of oxygen. The outdoor concentration of mold spores and whether you have an infestation of mold in your house influence the quality of the air in your home quite a lot.

Cladosporium infections are typically prevalent in any building material that has gotten wet, usually such things as drywall and lumber. There are four species that occur more commonly than others and these are Cladosporium cladosporioides, Cladosporium sphaerospermum, Cladosporium herbarum, and Cladosporium macrocarpum. These are the most common in outdoor environments and their spores are transmitted by wind. When they are present in an indoor environment, they grow upon surfaces such as where condensation has developed on pipes or in areas where water is left to stand.

These molds are the most dangerous to people who have compromised immune systems, but they can tend to cause certain people to have allergic reactions. If someone is exposed to a high level of these spores, it can induce sensitivity to the mold and also aggravate asthma. What level of concentration induces these sensitivities and reactions depends upon the individual, though. What is a high level for one person may be a low level for another. Skin infections and sometimes sinusitis can occur, but sinusitis is not a very common occurrence.

The species of mold that fall in this genus are not difficult to detect in home mold testing kits and they can be colored green, grey, brown, or black when they grow on the test or on a surface. The only negative effects that are connected with Cladosporium mold are allergic reactions and these molds are not as serious as other molds such as Aspergillus or Stachybotrys. If you are exposed to Cladosporium mold for very long, however, it can lead to a weakened immune system. While Cladosporium molds do not make mycotoxins that are of any importance to human health, they can produce some pretty nasty compounds that cause a significant odor in the room.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Miami water damage restoration companies and
mold remediation companies across the united states.

Removing Mold Stains From Clothing

If you have clothes that have been contaminated with mold, the first thing that comes to your mind is probably to just throw them away and be done with it. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to just throw away clothes like this and buy new ones right on the spot, so what can you do when clothes get moldy? If you have some spare time and a bit of persistence, you can get rid of the mold on your clothes and avoid having to buy new ones.

Most fabrics can be completely rid of mold after being washed a few times, but unfortunately mold usually causes different color stains. If it is a bunch of white clothes or sheets that mold has gotten on, using bleach to get rid of the stains will probably work, but they need to be treated with some pre-wash stain remover before you wash them to make sure and get all of the stain out. The longer you let them set without treating them with anything, the further in the fabric the stain will set and the harder it will be to get rid of it.

You can use an old toothbrush to scrape the mold off of these clothes with, but it is best to not do this without some kind of gloves on. Mold can cause skin rashes if it gets on you, so wear some rubber gloves, especially if you have any hang nails or cuts on your skin. The spores can get in your skin through these and turn into a nasty infection.

After you are done scraping the mold off, soak the clothes in a pre-wash spray for between 30 and 45 minutes; wash it in the washing machine afterward. After the cycle is completed, take them outside and let them dry on a clothes line, if you have one. Do not use an artificial heat source to dry your clothes. Allowing them to dry naturally is the best way to make sure that the stain, if it is still there, is not set further into the fabric.

Unfortunately, if mold gets onto a jacket that is made of real leather, there is not much hope to remove the stain from this. Since leather is an organic material (the skin of an animal) and it obviously a porous surface, mold sinks into this material and thoroughly stains it. The color cannot be completely restored.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Orlando water damage restoration companies and
Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states.

What Moldy Food Should You Discard?

Having an argument with yourself while ducked into the refrigerator on what you should have for breakfast, lunch, or dinner is a common occurrence if you have a full refrigerator, but something that is just as common is arguing with yourself over what you should do with an item in the fridge that has a little mold growing on it. Mold grows on a lot of things in the fridge, but we do not always know which items are safe to remove the mold from and keep. What do you do if you find something in your refrigerator that has mold on it? Well, it just depends on what the food is that you are talking about.

Mold grows on everything in the fridge eventually and that is just a fact that we have to live with. Food will not keep forever, no matter how well you try to preserve it most of the time. Jars of jellies, jams, marmalades, and preserves are among the worst offenders when it comes to mold growing on them in the fridge. These are items that you should throw away if you discover mold growing inside the jar, because since they are soft items, the “threads” of mold can reach throughout it and contaminate the entire jar. Throw these away.

Fruits and vegetables need to be checked carefully on a regular basis once you get them home and taken out of the plastic bags that you collect them in when you are at the grocery store. Condensation builds up in these bags and will cause mold to grow. One contaminated fruit will cause anything else it is touching to become infected, as well. Throw any contaminated fruits and vegetables away and wash anything it was touching that does not appear to be contaminated.

Anything in your fridge that has a high amount of moisture in it should be discarded after mold is seen growing on it, because it can contaminate the entire item very easily. Dense items like hard salami or blocks of cheese can simply have the moldy areas cut out (as long as it is an inch around and under the molded area) and these will be fine to consume afterward.

Any baked goods such as bread or cake should be discarded if mold is growing on them. These are porous surfaces and can possibly be contaminated beyond the surface.

Soft cheeses, yogurts, casseroles, hot dogs, lunch meat, and etcetera need to be discarded after old is seen growing upon them. These items tend to have a high content of moisture and will probably be contaminated throughout their entire depth.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Texas Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors and
Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states.

Tips to Prevent Water Damage at Home

Water damage occurs most commonly in the bathroom and in the kitchen, but most of the time this damage can be prevented if a few simple measures are taken on a regular basis. Water damage is not only unsightly because it tends to discolor things in your house such as the drywall or the floor, but it also damages the internal structure, as well. Drywall that absorbs too much water will eventually begin to sag due to the weight and the paper on the drywall will become detached.

The kitchen and the bathroom are the two rooms that can add the most value to your home if you choose to sell it, so keeping them in good condition is crucial if a house you purchase is simply an investment. Even if it is not just an investment, keeping these two rooms in good condition is a good idea to keep the quality of life in your home at a good basic level.

Having a vent located in the bathroom and in the kitchen over the stove is necessary to help prevent water damage to the ceiling and upper parts of the walls. You will see these vents located in the bathrooms of most motels and hotels these days, in an effort to protect the room from water damage. Most commercial properties that have bathrooms with showers have these vents because they realize that this is necessary to make their property last as long as possible. If steam has nowhere to go, mold will also begin to grow on the ceiling and walls over time and having that removed is a whole other problem.

Plumbing in your kitchen or bathroom should be inspected often, as well. Even leaks that are only small drips can cause water damage and especially mold growth over time.

Toilets and bathtubs should be allowed to overflow as little as possible, especially in bathrooms that have carpet installed instead of tile or even carpet installed over tile. Tile floors should be completely sealed by caulking to be sure that water does not get to the floor boards underneath.

Water damage and mold can be prevented in the bathroom closet if wet items are not left on the floor. Mold can start to grow as little as 24 hours after a wet item is abandoned and this mold will contaminate any other clothes that are thrown on top of it.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Texas Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors and
Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states.

Tips To Protect Your Family And Food From Mold

What is the most important major appliance in your house? Most people would probably say their refrigerator and I would probably agree, but do we really keep them clean as often as we should..? The fact is that refrigerators are not kept as clean by busy families as they should be in order to keep a healthy household. Leftovers are put in the fridge and often get left there for days or something even weeks at a time before finally being thrown away after they have gotten spoiled. Liquids get spilled, frozen foods are left to thaw on the shelves, and just general mess gets left everywhere. A refrigerator might be cleaned out once every 4 or 5 months by a busy family, but if you keep a watch on the items in your refrigerator and the messes plaguing its shelves, you will not have to do this very often.

Look around in your refrigerator and figure out what is outdated and spoiled. If you keep jelly or jam, you probably know that these get molded after a while, either on the top of the food itself or on the inside of the lids. These soft items and other things like yogurt, sour cream, soft cheeses, individually sliced cheeses, and just generally anything with a high moisture content need to be thrown away. The entirety of the food will probably be completely contaminated with mold even though it might only appear to be on the surface of the food.

If you bring fruit or vegetables home from the grocery store and just chuck the plastic bags they’re inside into your produce drawer like that, you’ll probably end up with some moldy and rotted fruit not too long after. What happens in this situation is that condensation builds up inside the bag and mold starts to grow on anything inside it. Just take the fruits and vegetables out of the bags and make sure that none of the fruit already have mold growing on them. If they do, throw them out and wash anything that was in close proximity to it.

If you see any eggs that are cracked in the carton, these need to be thrown away, too. Bacteria growing on the outside of the egg will get inside and contaminate it.

If mold starts growing on a block of cheese, what you should do is take a knife and cut around and under the moldy spot on the block and remove it. Don’t touch the knife to other parts of the cheese to avoid cross-contamination.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Texas Water Damage Restoration companies and
Dallas Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors

Mold Related Diseases

Exposure to mold for a long period of time can cause all different kinds of health problems and individual diseases, but some of us do not really understand just how inconvenient and even deadly some of these conditions can be. Whether the disease or condition ends in “osis” or “mycosis” does not really matter as much as the actual symptoms of the disease, which can even lead to death in some cases.

Those who are the most threatened by mold exposure are typically those who have weak constitutions. This can be an infant or a small child, an elderly person with health problems, or someone who has HIV or AIDS. Even perfectly healthy people can succumb to the effects of breathing in mold spores or letting it come into contact with their skin, but it usually takes longer for these individuals to develop symptoms.

The typical symptoms of these diseases can be mild flu or allergy symptoms like coughing, sneezing, or fever or they can be more serious such as coughing up blood, respiratory infections, or yeast infections. The kind of symptoms that surface usually depend upon the exact kind of infection you have developed, but some conditions, such as the presence of aspergilloma (or fungus balls) in the body have no symptoms for quite a while before they are finally detected.

Caused by molds in the genus called Aspergillis, aspergilloma is a fairly serious condition. When called by the common name of “fungus balls”, they not only sound pretty nasty; they actually are. They invade any pre-existing cavities in the organs of your body and those who are at the most risk to develop these are typically those who have had conditions like cancer or tuberculosis. Without any symptoms in the beginning, you probably will not realize that you have aspergilloma living inside you without your doctor performing a chest x-ray or other detection technique.

Penicilliosis is a disease that is native to the region of Southeast Asia where the mold that causes it lives and this is referred to as the third most common infection that occurs in patients with HIV and AIDS in the region. Since the mold that causes this, Penicillium marneffei, exists only in this region, cases of this infection are fairly confined to this region of the world. Those with HIV or AIDS, however, who are traveling back and forth to the region, should be very cautious because this infection can be fatal.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Miami water damage restoration companies and
mold remediation companies across the united states.